Thursday, October 2, 2014

Authorship in a Remix Society and Building a Webpage about Beloved


In class, we will be discussing the practices and theories associated with scrapbooking and remixing research projects.  You are also assigned to read The Evolution of Authorship in a Remix Society.   You may refer to the information in this article when answering the questions below. 

What is scrapbooking?  How long has humanity engaged in the process of scrapbooking?
Are practices associated with scrapbooking present or invisible in your academic studies and research projects?  

What is remixing?  How long has humanity engaged in the process of remixing? When did remixing become popular?

Do you think remix theories and popular technology influence or improve your understanding Beloved and your research? If so, how? If not, why?

After viewing the video,  please consider how theories of scrapbooking and remix may intersect in your own research.

Theories associated with memory, scrapbooking and remix will be very important aspects of this course.  You may want to consider how those theories my be evident in your researched based webpage.

Your truly, 

Dr. Hill

What is scrapbooking?  How long has humanity engaged in the creative process of scrapbooking?
Are practices associated with scrapbooking present or invisible in your studies and research projects? How do you envision using remix theory when constructing your research based webpage.

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