Welcome to Toni Morrison's Tale of the Golden Triangle and Beloved! This blog is an extension of our classroom; we can consider it an online version of our Wired class community.
This course, Toni Morrison’s Tale of the Golden Triangle and Beloved, is designed to be a literary seminar course that
explores Beloved by Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison. This course will challenge students to use digital tools in order to read and
critically analyze Toni Morrison’s Beloved using methods familiar with historical research and
literary criticism.
Students will be asked to research how the GoldenTriangle may have been in the 19th century. The research will be done using digital tools to access primary and secondary research materials. This research will allow the students to view the content of the novel in a ‘real life’ practical context and create digital environments that reflect the content and themes of the novel. The final project will ask students to develop a webpage to complement Beloved, and to explain how the Golden Triangle setting is a critical aspect of the story.
DaMaris B. Hill
Blog Log
Students will be asked to research how the GoldenTriangle may have been in the 19th century. The research will be done using digital tools to access primary and secondary research materials. This research will allow the students to view the content of the novel in a ‘real life’ practical context and create digital environments that reflect the content and themes of the novel. The final project will ask students to develop a webpage to complement Beloved, and to explain how the Golden Triangle setting is a critical aspect of the story.
DaMaris B. Hill
Blog Log
If you would like to contact me, I can be reached using the information on the syllabus or via email damaris.hill@uky.edu. I am excited to learn with you!
Dr. Hill
Dr. Hill
Blog Log
Spring 2015
Fall 2014
Spring 2014
Fall 2013